Mr. Watne is a seasoned CISO from Telecoms and Financial Services, and a former advisor to EUROPOL. He holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from University of Agder in Norway and an Executive MBA from ESCP Business School in Paris, France. Watne has more than 20 years of professional experience with information security and cyber risk management in Europe and Asia. Over the years he’s held numerous board and committee positions with different professional bodies and is a regular speaker at industry events. In 2021 Mr. Watne was named amongst the Global Top 100 Leaders in Information Security by Corinium Global Intelligence, and in 2022 he was one of the finalists for the Outstanding Chief Information Security Officer award, handed out by the OSPAs.
The digitalization of society went into overdrive during the pandemic. In 2025 we are doing anything from anywhere through digital tools, with AI assistants pushing us head at light speed. We can all agree it’s changing our lives, but whether it is for good or bad is more difficult to tell in the middle of the race. One thing is however certain – IT is becoming a more integral part of our daily lives and this require us to manage it differently.