18th Annual Conference itSMF Czech Republic

19. Výroční konference itSMF Czech Republic

18th Annual Conference itSMF Czech Republic

The world of IT service management and enterprise service management is rapidly evolving. The hype surrounding artificial intelligence could strongly influence it. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) understandably does not avoid information technology services either. Anyone familiar with it can certainly name a few areas where AI is already being applied. At the same time, it is quite obvious that, like any new technology, AI also brings with it new (not only business) but also security risks. let’s explore this topic further at the 18th Annual Conference itSMF Czech Republic!


Led 24 - 25 2024


13:00 - 19:00


Comfort Hotel City Prague
Bečvářova 2081/14, 100 00 Strašnice

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