In this age of Artificial Intelligence and advanced technology, we must always remember who we work for: people. Our workmates, clients, our families, and our shared future. It is time to bring heart to IT, it is time to see the faces behind the services. We create IT services to meet people’s needs, not just to follow a set of rules.
January 2025’s conference will be focused on Humanizing IT Services. We’re proud to welcome Katrina Macdermid as our keynote speaker. An ITIL Master and author, Katrina is widely admired and respected for her pioneering effort to reshape the landscape of IT service management by integrating human-centered design principles.
Another keynote will be delivered by Mark Smalley, also known as The IT Paradigmologist. His main area of interest is the management of IT systems and services. Mark is the author of High Velocity IT.
We will bring experts, innovators, and those on the front lines to share their insights on the stage. An important conference rule is “no marketing in the presentations”. There is enough time and room in the foyer for marketing activities.
Photoreport from the 18th annual conference conference
We expect 250 attendees from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and other countries. They will represent companies from all industries and the public sector. The audience used to be quite varied from technicians to top management. From end users to the best experts from top-notch vendors. From novices to seasoned professionals.
The program is split into two parallel streams; the main one will be in English only. The other stream on the Multilingual stage will be held in Czech, Slovak, and English. The networking party on Wednesday evening is a great opportunity to meet industry fellows subject matter experts, or prospective customers, and to learn what mood is on the market.
If you have any questions about the conference or are interested in becoming a partner or speaker, don't hesitate to contact us. You can use email or the contact form.